Kanum Dublin

Kanum, Dublin 77 Mespil Road - Dublin

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Anwesh Soma
The food is nice and comes as described. The staff are very friendly and helps you choose if you don’t understand the menu. Had a god experience.
Aug 21, 2018
I was really craving fried chicken tonight, but when am I not craving that stuff? You can never go wrong with fried chicken.

Either way, Tammy was feeling Thai food, and we decided to order delivery from Kanum Thai, which Tam spotted as she zoomed into Google Maps in our neighbourhood.

Ordering online was simple enough, and the food arrived really quickly.

First up, we tried the Aromatic Duck Rolls. I know these aren't Gluten-Free, but Crohn's is picky sometimes and I had a good feeling about these. I'll admit, I've never ordered duck from a restaurant before. These rolls had a thin, supportive pancake on the outside, and the leek + cucumber julienne alongside the duck paired really well with the hoi san dip.

Tammy went crazy for these guys, and for good reason.

Next up, we had Chicken Curry Puffs. Yes, as the brown man I ordered the damn samosas. But holy hell were they ever delicious! It's like having a thai curry infused into a samosa filling, wrapped in a lighter pastry and fried perfectly. You'll notice I never got a cross-section of these...because I just shoved them into my face.

I am absolutely in love with these things. I could eat a plate full of these and not even need a main course. This was my selling point, knowing we'd be ordering from Kanum at some point again in the near future.

Now, for the mains! We'll start with Tammy's. She got their Sunday Special, which lucky for her (seeing as she loves duck so much), was Roasted Duck.

I just asked her how she'd describe her dish, and she responded with "...DELICIOUS. Is that enough?" Nah, she says more.

"The sauce was perfectly portioned. There wasn't too much, so I wasn't eating BBQ sauce with a little bit of duck. It was a lot of duck, with a flavouring of a thai-inspired BBQ sauce." It's true. I had a few bites of her duck dish, and I quite enjoyed it!

However, now we'll get to my main: Pad Thai. You can't go wrong with this classic. You've got rice noodles, prawns, chicken breast, egg, peanuts, and a delicious sauce that melds it all together into a one-container super-meal.

If you've ever had Pad Thai, you'd know a general idea of what to expect. Tammy? It was her first time (yes, I see the opportunity for that joke but I enjoy being happily married).

For me, this was hands-down the best Pad Thai I've ever eaten. The ingredients taste fresh, and the prawns were so juicy! The sauce was full of flavour, but not overpowering. The rice noodles cooked perfectly, and slices of chicken breast were thin and cooked just right. The crunch of crushed peanuts gave the dish depth, and a bit of lime juice squeezed over each bite just made it heavenly.

All in all, there were definitely sex noises made as we devoured all this food. The best part? We got it delivered and we only spent about €35 for an amount of food that would have surely been labelled family-sized.

I give Kanum Thai a lot of moaning and pleasure-filled sounds 9.0 / 10
Tammy gives Kanum Thai pretty much the exact same noises as I made  9.0 / 10
Feb 09, 2017
I have tried here countless times - to the point where I think the guy knows my order. I'm almost ashamed of it, but I can't help but love this food. It's one of the few places in Ireland that does proper spicy food and it is SO GOOD. The portions are large, the price is fair, and the food is absolutely amazing. If you like Thai food you better eat here!
Aug 22, 2016
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11:00 - 23:00
11:00 - 23:00
11:00 - 23:00
11:00 - 00:00
11:00 - 00:00
11:00 - 00:00
11:00 - 23:00

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KANUM, DUBLIN - 77 Mespil Road - Menu and Prices

Our aggregate rating, “Sluurpometro”, is 82 based on 975 parameters and reviews

If you need to contact by phone, call the number +353 87 670 5180



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